The traditional Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is a 72 hour minimum requirement. We offer many more hours above a 72 hour course (close to 100 hours!), with ample time for design practice, supportive homework assignments, readings and research, guest speakers, plus optional field trips and practicum sessions.
Course Topics Include:
Course Topics Include:
- Permaculture History, Definitions, Ethics, and Principles
- Ecological Design Step-By-Step Practice
- Edible Forest Gardening Theory and Practice
- Nature Conection, Natural Principles in Design
- Agroforestry Systems
- Herbal Medicine
- Annual and Perennial Garden Establishment
- Soil Regeneration & Land Restoration
- Compost Methods
- Greenhouse Seeding
- Observing Patterns in Nature
- Wildlife Tracking
- Green Building & Natural Building
- Renewable/Clean Energies
- Deep Ecology
- Financial Permaculture
- Resilient Community Structures
- And much more!